Welcome to a brand new month. A brand new quarter. A new beginning. The ability to start something new or depending on your perspective the opportunity to finish the year strong.
I October. The weather is nice, the mood of the holidays is fast approaching and the end of the year is only 3 months away.
But like you, I remember the days of entering Q4 and feeling the anxiety of my 2018 goals and wanting to finish the year strong.
As we enter the first week of October this is the perfect time to pull out your journals or notebooks and look back on the goals you set for yourself in December or January.
Here are 5 tips to finish 2018 strong:
1 – Review your year:
- Write down your biggest success and shortlist actions you can replicate next year.
- Do the same for your biggest failure. Write down what you have learned and preventive actions.
2 – Review your goals:
- Reevaluate where you are as of today.
- Take a look at how far you’ve come.
- Establish what you can do in the next three months to accomplish those goals.
3 – Review your relationships:
- Both professional and personal.
- How are they doing?
- Are there any that may need some work?
- Are there any decisions that need to be made?
4 – Review your health:
- How are you feeling?
- Is it time to get back on track with your exercise routine?
- Do you need to eat better as we get ready to welcome the holiday season?
- Are there any pending doctor appointments you need to confirm?
5 – De-Clutter Mentally and Environmentally:
- Check items off your to-do list. The shorter the list the more you will enjoy the holidays.
- Get all the “must do” items or things you have been procrastinating out of the way.
- Delegate whatever you can.
- Donate items you do not use.
- Tidy up your desk and your emails.
The idea is to do whatever you can to feel good about ending your year strong and starting the New Year journey with as little baggage as possible. Think and plan S.M.A.R.T.
Need a little accountability? Book a complimentary 30 min. discovery coaching call by visiting my booking calendar and choosing a time that works best for you: https://calendly.com/vimariroman
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