Meet the Final 10 of 30 Powerful Latina Trailblazers

OMG, we cannot believe that we are finally introducing you to our last 10 Powerful Latina Trailblazers. šŸ’ƒ

The response via IG, LinkedIn, and FB has been superb. We are so happy to see that many have joined us in celebrating #hispanicheritagemonth and #femaleempowerment by sharing the posts, commenting, and liking them. Thank you!

When we lift each other, we grow! You can continue to join us in supporting small businesses, entrepreneurs, and women by following on IG @beproductivecoaching and on FB @beproductivecoaching and reposting the project with your community in your stories or feed.

This week we have seen women in the arts, entertainment, corporate world, founders and entrepreneurs, creatives, and activists, and today youā€™ll meet women in legal, healthcare, public accounting, education, and public service.šŸ’Ŗ

These Powerful Latina Trailblazers are all experts in their related fields. As a Career Strategist and Coach, my mission is to help people utilize their natural talents to do exciting and fulfilling work. These women have all accomplished this and more.šŸ™Œ

I hope that this project has inspired and motivated you to support the people you know, follow YOUR dreams, and do what YOU love.

Each of the women was asked to tell us how they have stayed productive, positive, and maintained their life balance in 2020. They’ve shared some great quotes and life lessons that we know you will enjoy.

You can read the full responses from these powerful Latinas below.ā¬‡ļø

Missed the first 20? No worries…just jump on over to the blog post from Tue & Wed below.ā¬‡ļø

Stay tuned as we wrap up tomorrow, Friday. I’ll be sharing a bit of my personal 2020 journey with you and the inspiration behind this project.

Together we rise!šŸ™Œ

#latinxheritagemonth #latinatrailblazers #femaleleaders #juntassomosmasfuertes #letsgetlatinxloudion


I’ve been able to maintain balance in my life by staying active and participating in my online church. I never stopped working during the pandemic if anything I worked a lot more. So doing things that made me happy and having faith to keep me grounded helped me get through all the stress that came with working in healthcare this year. Follow on IG:@crysmarie._


2020 started with a roar; it was going to be the best year ever.Ā  But when things changed almost overnight, the hardest thing for me (as a Type A personality) was not being able to plan for the future. So I realized quickly that I could only work on things that I could control and trust that everything else would/will work out. Plus, I realized that I had to be more flexible and open to doing things differently, along with being more compassionate/forgiving with myself and others while we all learn to navigate this new normal.Ā  From zoom meeting faux pas to dogs jumping on your lap during a client meeting, all we can do is smile and keep moving forward. Visit her website at Follow on IG: @ser_associates


At the beginning of the pandemic, I was overwhelmed not only by the personal factors of risk but also by the many changes that were coming my way as a CPA. There were many regulations changes with the Cares Act, every business needed our assistance as their CPA, if they were going to survive, they needed guidance in how to complete the PPP and SBA loans, which instructions were changing every day. For 2 days, I was speechless and powerless, but I had to get myself up and start learning and start zooming. This was the time for me to help every client, and to make sure that they would not only survive but also be on their way to striving again as a business owner. Every business and every person, are part of a big chain and if one of us does not survive the rest will also break from the chain. Visit her website Follow on IG @mariafdiazcpa

I feel lucky to have been able to continue doing what I love to do during this time. My office never closed during the crisis, because as a health care provider we needed to continue providing our services to our patients. If we close as a health care provider where will patients turn to to get better? What we did for the community was to open the platform of our care to include zoom classes, get together, and meditations. This was it also opened the avenue to those people that lived far from us but we’re still in need of receiving those services for their overall wellbeing and mental sanity. We wanted to do a community give-back program, where we offered our healing circle and meditation classes for free. Stepping in to help the best we could our community and those in need during this turbulent time. By incorporating exercises, meditation, and healing into my day-to-day as well as offering that to those in need I’ve been able to stay healthy and balanced and productive during this time. Visit her website Follow on IG:@mdhealer


I do daily devotions and a gratitude journal, all of this allows me to be positive and productive. I start my days doing my daily 2-mile walk; listening to the Divine of Mercy Chaplet as I walk and then Christian music; I do my daily devotions and my gratitude journal, all of this allows me to be positive and productive during my day, on the days that something interrupts that routine I can feel unbalance and not as productive.Ā  This 2020 pandemic has allowed me to really reflect on the blessings in my life, even though I have challenges, but I am grateful for the challenges. I remind myself that with God All Things Are Possible. Connect on


2020 has really thrown a curveball in everyone’s life but sometimes the show must go on… “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” right?!? I never had a quarantine period so I just kept trying to do my best to keep my normal routine up!!! I also basically upped my meditation and prayer game and now I include saying a few things I’m grateful for every morning before I get up!!! I also found reaching out to others, whether it be coworkers and or friends via video apps ( thank goodness for a house party) was helpful to see that I wasn’t the only one having a hard time emotionally, socially, or physically!!! Family and friends listening and taking care of me virtually have really gotten me through!!! Follow on IG @joannemarie17


Staying productive in 2020 hasn’t been difficult at all. I have a toddler who needs a lot of attention and I have stayed busy teaching him, playing with him, and making sure that all his needs are met. When he naps, I have been productive by staying busy at home cleaning, cooking, starting new home projects, entering a new side business, and exercising. I usually travel for the summer since I am a teacher and I am off, but the Coronavirus has kept me home and I have made it a priority to make sure I stay productive. I have stayed positive by counting my blessings and praying for my family. These are trying times we are going through but I have learned, and I am a believer that we should not stress the things we have no control over. Having the opportunity to spend all this time with my son has kept me positive! I have maintained my life balance by continuing to exercise, staying in contact with family and friends, either by phone calls, drive by’s or zoom calls, and continuing my self-care practices of doing my nails and eyebrows. =) We cannot forget through the struggle, to continue doing things that make us happy! Follow on IG @its_me_yamaris

Note from Vimari: You may or may have noticed the similarities in our names. Yamaris is my younger sister of which I am extremely proud of. Something additional that I’d like to share is that Yamaris #eslaprimera in the family to graduate from college and get her Master’s degree in Education. She makes everyone in the family proud. šŸ‘šŸ’Ŗ


IM Kahlo boosts confidence, self-expression, and behaviors that build the courage to overcome life challenges and limitations.

The name is inspired by Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, whose life became a testament to the notion that we can transcend external limitations to define a new scope of possibilities.Ā  Her tenacity also inspires us to express what we feel, fear, and want, hence I am Kahlo.

The initial purpose was to help women ages 13 and up endure the not-widely-known side effects caused by cancer treatment that leave a negative mark on a patientā€™s state of mind, like the loss of eyebrows and lashes, and the potential damage of skin and teeth. Working with these patients, and as a patient myself, I identified another need: We need to learn how to celebrate life by talking about death. As a life transitions coach & end-of-life doula, I advocate for patient rights and work with people, not only cancer patients, in getting comfortable talking about death and sharing their end of life wishes with their loved ones. Legacy projects and advanced directives are only a part of this preparedness planning. I also co-admin an online support group for cancer patients coping with life transitions. Most of my professional life I worked with corporate crisis communications, so this 2020 project is like turning the preparedness concept to a personal level.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I worked with Compassion & Choices. In developing the COVID-19 toolkit, an end of life planning guide in English & Spanish to promote compassionate and informed end-of-life care plan amid new challenges in our healthcare system. I am also a guest speaker in different webinars discussing topics such as demonstrating power in end-of-life planning. Under IM KAHLO, Iā€™ve held several inspirational talks for the American Lung Association. I also consult for GoCrisis, an international crisis and emergency management firm currently expanding to the Americas.

During COVID, I like to lead by example. I exercise at home, do yoga, read, keep in touch with my friends, design TShirt, go to my treatments, and take my time to heal and rest. šŸ™‚ A stage IVB diagnosis is not a death sentence; it is a life ticket. Ā”Viva la Vida! Visit her website Follow on IG: @pr_in_Miami and @lifetransitioncoachĀ 


I approached 2020 with newly identified goals and desires for my two businesses. I believe whole-heartedly if we want to produce change-we must first be willing to manifest and walk out into change first. I began the year by analyzing and most importantly self-reflecting my own leadership. My goals must align with who I am and who Iā€™m becoming. Our business and desires are a direct reflection of who we are.Ā  I wanted to learn from each passing month. I desired deeply to originate a program that would be fully energized and birth from my leadership and past experiences.Ā  Identifying what platform I was currently operating from was my first priority. I wanted my platform to create a path, an option where women and young ladies can walk into empowerment and utilize their voices as they redefine their pain into power.Ā  I realized in order to birth such a path of realness and genuineness fueled for empowerment, I would have to first experience the healing. I accepted to walk in Self Acceptance of my past. There is a level of oneness when you can share with another woman ā€œI empathize with youā€, ā€œI have been hereā€.Ā  Having the courage to truly reach the depths of where our traumas are stored. My productivity began with scheduling and participating in Healing and SELF LOVE courses. Focusing on directly rooted traumas, week after week.Ā  As I walked in acceptance and completed course after course, I began to attract the woman who was aligned with my energy, a woman who was ready to heal from past childhood traumas. Focusing on my past childhood traumas allowed me to actually forgive the past negative self-talk I ever presented to myself when and if I fell behind on deadlines, simply didnā€™t have the head to focus, or felt many times unmotivated.Ā  I realized that my productivity was affected consistently for many years due to childhood trauma.Ā  As each week came to pass and I would complete a new course, I also would feel the intense feeling of love for myself while healing and creating a genuine energized healing-self love course. Although the journey was strong it has been well worth it. A woman who can acknowledge who she is, what she has un-become with a direct focus on her self-love and mental health, is a woman who understands her strength, courage, abilities, and warmth. A woman who can have gentle talks with herself, a forgiving heart for herself, a strong mind is a woman who has learned above all how to respect her own boundaries. This is a woman or young lady who will conquer dreams, goals, productivity while remaining positive and in awe with the internal strength of a woman. My two businesses focus directly but individually on Mental Health and Wellness. Visit her website Follow on IG: @yadira_fiercelybecomingĀ and @girl_leaders


Believe it or not, spending time with the kids and my childcare team at Ms. Claudiaā€™s Village Academy while being in the forefront of the COVID-19 response as President of the Miami-Dade League of Cities brightened my every day! In 2020, I rediscovered that my gift and purpose is being a public servantā€”in every aspect of my life: as a military wife, childcare business owner, and Mayor, I give back and place the needs of others before mine and thatā€™s always my happy place!

Ayden Alexander, hadn’t seen me in 2 months and this was him when he saw me – you can’t make up this love and happiness šŸ„° Visit her website Follow on IG @mayorofelportalĀ and @msclaudias

Note from Vimari: I met Claudia in 2014 at a networking event when we were sitting at the same table by coincidence. She had been serving on the Village Council for El Portal, where I have lived since 2005, but that was the first time I remember meeting her. She told me at that event that she was going to be running for Mayor that November. I scheduled a meeting to drill her (šŸ˜Š) on why she was running, and by the end of our meeting, I decided that I would support her.

A few weeks later, I opened my home to my neighbors and invited them to come over to meet then Councilperson Claudia Cubillos. This was my first time ever supporting a candidate and hosting this type of event. At that event, I was convinced that she should be our next Mayor. I volunteered to help her campaign, although I had no prior experience. Mayor Claudia Cubillos was elected Nov 2014 and asked me to Chair her Mayor’s Task Force. I didn’t know what that meant, but I decided, why not? I took on the opportunity and recruited approx nine others to join our Task Force. The Task Force agreed that “community engagement” should be our focus and that we could accomplish that through events. We looked at our demographics and decided that an art fair would be an excellent fit for the community and so the El Portal Art Fair was born. I had my meeting planning company at the time, and being the Chair of the event was a natural fit. We hosted our first Art Fair in 2015 and many other events.

In 2016, I saw a need within our Council and, in August, decided to challenge the incumbent and ran for Council Seat #2, and I won. Since 2016, I have served two terms (4-years) with Mayor Cubillos. I have to say that it has been an extreme honor to serve with a woman that genuinely places her community’s needs before her own. She has sacrificed a lot in the 12 years in office and is truly an example of what one can achieve when we serve. In addition to being a fierce leader, she has the honor of carrying the title of being #laprimera Hispanic Mayor of El Portal. Mayor Cubillos decided not to seek re-election in 2020 (as did I). I want to take this time to thank her for the years of service to our community. I am proud to call her my friend and include her as one of the amazing and powerful Latina Trailblazers celebrating this year’s Hispanic Heritage Month. Thank you, Mayor!

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