Welcome back to #transitiontuesdays where we feature a fearless leader and their transition story.
We took a break the last couple of weeks after launching our Latin Heritage Month project where we featured 30 Powerful Latina Trailblazers and are ready to continue with this amazing weekly series. At Be Productive Coaching we believe that when we lift others we grow. We are hoping that these stories inspire you or someone you know to follow your dreams and do work that brings you excitement and fulfillment.
In these stories, you are learning how these leaders took action on their dreams. Some have transitioned to exciting new jobs, others to a completely new career, or to their own businesses.
This week our Spotlight Series #transitiontuesdays introduces Rachelle Stone, ACC – Executive & Burnout Prevention Coach

Rachelle and I have known each other for well over 20 years. We met when we both worked in the meetings industry. In 2014 Rachelle found herself burned out from a successful 25-year career. The stress she was carrying made her implode and today she is living a fulfilled life on the West Coast of Florida with a successful coaching and consulting practice.
Learn what motivated this fearless leader to make her transition.
What was your first job and how did you get it?
McDonald’s! My sister was a supervisor but I don’t think this was a good or fun job. She scheduled me to open every Saturday and Sunday morning and made me clean underneath the cashiers’ machine with a toothbrush whenever there were no customers in the store. Needless to say, I did not have this job very long.
When and how did you decide to transition your career to what you do today?
I transitioned in 2014. I honestly thought I was just ready to get back to being an entrepreneur and starting something new again. I thought I was bored. I wasn’t. I imploded. I figured that out when I was getting my coaching education. I am now an executive coach following being a serial entrepreneur for over 25 years.
What steps did you take to make that transition and how long did it take?
Steps were taken for me! I burned out. But, I didn’t know it so it didn’t hurt. It was just life-changing and expensive.
What tools, training or coaching did you acquire/learn to help you make the transition?
I spent 18 months going back to school and 5 years later I am still getting coaching. Best career change ever. If you don’t have a coach GET ONE!
What does life look like now that you have transitioned into doing what you are doing?
Peaceful. In line with my values. Rewarding. Fulfilling!
What advice would you give your younger self?
1: There are no do-overs, just re-boots so get it right the first time and
2: Start listening to your intuition and stop listening to others’ opinions.
Where could we find you at 10 am on a Saturday?
Gardening! I volunteer to maintain part of a Butterfly Garden for Dunedin in Hammock Park. I am there every Saturday morning, usually with my dog, Stitch. I garden, she greets visitors and we talk butterflies and plants until it gets too hot.
You can learn more about Rachelle by visiting her website at www.RStoneConsulting.com
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