Welcome back to #transitiontuesdays where we feature a fearless leader and their transition story.
In these stories, you are learning how these leaders took action on their dreams. Some have transitioned to exciting new jobs, others to a completely new career, or to their own businesses.
This week our Spotlight Series #transitiontuesdays introduces Molly Mulhern – Social Media Manager, Lead Admin, and a Candle Maker for The Beeswax Co.

I first learned about Molly’s transition when I read a post she wrote on LinkedIn back in July. In that post, Molly shared her transition story and I was immediately compelled to share her story. Everyone knows that the COVID-19 Pandemic has affected many industries, especially the Hospitality and Meetings industries. Therefore Molly’s post gave much hope to many people. As of October 2020, her post has had 99,491 reactions and 2,675 comments on LinkedIn, and we weren’t the only ones that thought her story was worth sharing. In Sept 2020, Rhodes College her Alma Mater featured her story as well. Congrats Molly and thank you for allowing us to share your story!
Learn what motivated this fearless leader to make her transition.
What was your first job and how did you get it?
My first job out of college was working for Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL in Merchandise. I worked for the gift shops in Tomorrowland! I applied for the Disney College Program, a program that I’d been researching for years, and did a series of interviews before I was accepted to the internship program. I lived and worked at Disney for a year, and can’t overstate how valuable that year was for my personal and professional growth.
When and how did you decide to transition your career to what you do today?
Before COVID-19, I was an Event Coordinator in Austin, TX. After being furloughed & eventually let go due to a lack of events, I searched for months to find a job that aligned with my Social Media/Marketing experience & skill set with no success. One day, I came across a job posting to be a “Candle Maker” at a local beeswax candle company. My first thought was “I think I would really enjoy doing this, it sounds like a really cool job.” My second thought was “Would this veer me away from my career goals?” and “Would I be able to afford rent?” After doing research, I found that I really aligned with the company’s goals and mindset. I decided to apply for the job. I received an interview the next day.
What steps did you take to make that transition and how long did it take?
During the interview process, they saw on my resume that I have a background in Social Media, & they were needing someone to run their accounts. By the Zoom interview, I was also interviewing to be their Social Media Manager. I got the job! After just a few months of working for this company, I’m now officially their Social Media Manager, Lead Admin, & helping out with candle production too. The job I applied for was to be a “Candle Maker”.
What tools, training or coaching did you acquire/learn to help you make the transition?
I leaned on my social media & marketing skills during my job search to transition roles and strengthened my graphic design skills through various courses on Udemy.
What does life look like now that you have transitioned into doing what you are doing?
I’m in an industry I’d never thought I’d find myself in. I imagined being in Events for years and years to come- but life had other plans. Working for the Beeswax Co. has forced me to slow down, and to appreciate the little things every day. I feel a greater sense of peace in my new job, and do not fear the future anymore. I’m taking things one day at a time, and taking time to smell the Beeswax Candles along the way!
What advice would you give your younger self?
Take every opportunity that comes your way.
What is the best career advice you have ever received?
Don’t ever reduce yourself to fit into just one box. You are a multidimensional person with many talents and skills- do not ever forget that.
Describe your ideal vacation:
I’d love to go to Ireland, walk along the coast visiting castles and museums during the day, and checking out Irish pubs at night! I did Irish Dancing for 12 years, so I’d love to see some of that as well while there!
Where could we find you at 10 am on a Saturday?
Sometimes I’ll be at Barre class, sometimes I’ll be at a coffee shop doing work, reading, or strengthening professional connections.
Follow on Instagram @instagram.com/missmolly_goodgolly/ and you can follow her work for The Bees Wax Co. @instagram.com/thebeeswaxcompany