I want to invite you to shift your perspective from perfect order to perfect harmony.
As some of you know, my husband and I have a 16-year-old Chocolate Labrador (Shadow), and last week I received a text from a dear friend with the most adorable picture of a 10-month-old Chocolate Labrador that needed a new home. I wasn’t interested in getting a second dog but my husband has been asking to get a second dog for about a year. My concern has always been my Shadow. How will he adjust as an only child?! But in seeing this sweet face I told myself that I would inquire and if it was meant to be it would be. We took our Shadow to meet the puppy and they did well and we slept on the decision before deciding to bring the puppy home this past Friday. We knew our 16 years old would take some time before he would adjust to our new family of four but neither of us knew what to expect when integrating a new dog into the pack. However, we learned quickly that it will take some time and that’s when we shifted our routines from perfect order to perfect harmony.
This tip can apply to any situation especially for those of you who may have the “Stickler” as a top saboteur. It takes strong mental muscles not to allow your saboteurs to hijack your mind by a sudden change of routine or situation.
Thanks to my work with Positive Intelligence (PQ), I’ve made Mental Fitness my X-Factor and I’ve helped my husband navigate his saboteurs as well.
The good news is that – you can too!

I invite you to join my next 6-week Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence Program starting September 11th.

One of the best differentiators of world-class athletes vs. runner-ups is their ability to recover faster from mistakes, failures, or negative interactions. The best leaders, athletes, and entrepreneurs have strong mental muscles. 💪🏆
The quicker we can get ourselves centered and clear-headed, the more productive we will be. This program will teach you how to quiet the saboteurs that are running around in your head & strengthen your mental fitness muscles so that you can build your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive mindset. It impacts peak performance, peace of mind and wellness, and healthy relationships. The foundations are based on Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Performance Science.
You can learn more about the Positive Intelligence work here: https://www.positiveintelligence.com/program/ and you can take your free saboteur assessment by going to this link: https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/saboteur/overview
If you take the assessment, don’t forget to share your results with me via email at [email protected]
The program retails for $995 on the Positive Intelligence website, and as a Certified Mental Fitness Coach, I am able to bundle the program and offer you and your friends my support and coaching through the process. I cannot publish the bundle and discount, but I am happy to give you the details over the phone. I only have four seats left to fill for this next start date. If you are interested in participating or learning more, schedule a time on my calendar for us to speak by choosing a time before Friday that is most convenient for you www.beproductivecoaching.com/contact
This work is fantastic, and I would love for you to experience it with me!
p.s. Meet Zeke!

The referral program applies to new clients only (previous and existing clients are not considered referrals). Gift cards will be sent out after the new client has paid for their service. Visit www.beproductivecoaching.com for a list of services.