Mental Fitness PQ – What it’s done for my life and practice

Mental Fitness PQ Graduates
Last year, when the world came to a halt, I was amid rebranding my company. The timing couldn’t be more perfect on April 15th when I launched my new website, and everyone was sitting at home with plenty of time to visit. My website analytics went through the roof, and I became busier than ever helping hundreds of clients deal with our new normal and rebrand themselves so that they could look to a bright future.🙌
As the world was trying to make sense of our new normal with Covid, I found myself burned out. I worked non-stop since Jan and during the pandemic. It was all good except that I did not stop to process the events of 2020. Seeing so many people laid off or furloughed my mind automatically went into fight or flight survival mode ensuring that I was helping as many clients as possible without stopping to take care of myself.🙉
In November, I drove to my first in-person conference to assist the Hospitality & Meetings Industry. The week following the conference I took a vacation to help my husband celebrate his 50th birthday. When it was time to get back to work my brain did not turn on. I was so burned out that I couldn’t think. I was speaking to my friend and colleague Rachelle Stone, ACC who was my coach at the time and that’s when she asked me to join in a six-week program based on the “Positive Intelligence” book written by Shirzad Chamine. I jumped on the opportunity knowing that it would help with my burnout, and I could not have imagined that saying yes to her would change my life and my coaching practice.🧠💪🏼
Fast forward, ten months later I have finalized my advanced training as a Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence Coach and am working on finalizing my certification. Since then, I’ve led 10 clients through the 6-week program and have witnessed amazing transformations.🙏
My graduates are now ready to face the world with strong mental muscles and their Mental Fitness Mo’Joe.💪🏼🧠
So, what is Positive Intelligence & Mental Fitness?
Mental fitness is a measure of the strength of your positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur).
Saboteurs react to challenges in ways that generate negative emotions such as stress, disappointment, self-doubt, regret, anger, shame, guilt, or worry.
Your Sage handles challenges through positive emotions like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, clear-headed, laser-focused action.
The relative strength of your positive Sage versus negative Saboteurs is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient).
PQ is the measure of your Mental Fitness. It’s the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential.
You can boost your PQ significantly with practice.
Mental Fitness is the X-Factor
If you’re not physically fit, you’d feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill.
If you’re not mentally fit, you’d feel mental stress, such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.
80% of people score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance and happiness.
The great news? With recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology, you can now improve your mental fitness significantly within 6 weeks of practice.
The results? Dramatically improved performance and productivity and a calm, clear, and happier mind.
Breakthrough Research
PQ is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.
Research included:
- Hundreds of CEOs
- Sales, Operations, and Technology teams
- Stanford students
- Elite athletes
- 400,000 participants from 50 countries
This research was summarized in Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence, a New York Times bestseller, translated into 20 languages.
The research reveals that:
- Saboteurs and Sage live in entirely different regions of the brain.
- You can cause a dramatic shift in brain activation to weaken Saboteurs and boost Sage.
- 3 core muscles constitute mental fitness.
*Research and information are provided by Positive Intelligence.
Are you ready to change your life, feel happier, and achieve your highest performance? If yes, then join my next 6-week program starting on Oct 30, 2021. Following are the program details:

6-Week Program Outline
Register today to receive 10% off the registration in addition to the following Be Productive Coaching exclusive bonuses:
- Week 7 – 12: New Grow Content included for three months in the Grow program of the app at no additional cost. ($30 per month – retail)
- I (Vimari) will continue to be your mental fitness coach with one 50-minute monthly check-in for three months. ($900 retail)
Find out which saboteurs are hijacking you by taking the free assessment by visiting this link:
If you take the assessment, don’t forget to share your results with me via email at
[email protected]
This work is fantastic, and I would love for you to experience it with me!