Happy Spring, Everyone!
It’s incredible that we are in the second quarter of 2021 and that this is my post. I have been busy behind the scenes resting, thinking, strategizing, studying, and working. All great stuff and something I truly needed to do after an extremely busy and emotionally heavy 2020.
Like most of you, my family and I faced many challenges in 2020, but I have to say that overall it was a great year. It taught me a lot and helped me put some things into perspective. The year started extremely busy as I was due to launch my new website, www.beproductivecoaching.com, in January, but as we all know, projects get delayed, and the delay meant that we launched in the middle of the pandemic on Apr 15th. We just celebrated our first anniversary, yay!
Well, I couldn’t have timed it better; the website was viewed by many and allowed my network to understand what we do at Be Productive Coaching. As a result, I was blessed to help many individuals that were laid off or furloughed due to COVID-19. My professional branding and coaching services were desperately in need, and I feel blessed to have been able to help many. I also launched a two-hour LinkedIn Makeover Training and the Face Everything and Rise free weekly self-care and mental health support group via Zoom in addition to the new business opportunities. Needless to say that I was indeed highly productive. However, that productivity, unfortunately, was also faced with a bit of burnout. Allow me to explain…
My husband and I took off on a road trip from Miami to Texas on Nov 1st, returning to Miami on Dec 10th. The plan initially was to be gone for 30 days while I worked on the road, but one thing led to the other, and I ended up celebrating my 44th birthday on the road – Charleston, South Carolina, to be exact.
I was invited to MPIs WEC annual conference, where I participated as a coach in their Career Resource Center in-person in Dallas the week before my husband’s 50th birthday, which is why we chose Texas. I planned on attending the conference and taking one week of vacation after to celebrate with my husband. I also planned to work remotely while we were doing a little Texas tour. Little did I know that once I took that one-week vacation, my body and mind were going to crash. It was the first time I ever felt as if I could not think, talk or move. All of the emotional stress and busyness came rolling down my mind and body. I was forced to slow down, not taking any new clients for the remainder of November and December. I focused on my existing coaching clients and myself for the remaining 45 days or so of 2020. This burnout in itself was a huge lesson, and it forced me to reevaluate myself as I was entering 2021. I realized that I was so busy taking care of others that I neglected to care for myself. I share this with you because I know that this can happen to anyone. It occurred to me, and I am a coach!
I learned that my mental saboteurs were lying to me all along. My hyper-achiever told me that I was doing a great job because I was serving others and busy, busy, busy. I realized the lie after it was a little too late, and as a result, it took me a good 90 days to get my energy back to normal.
Once I got my energy back, I decided that I would not allow that to happen again and that I would do whatever it takes to help my clients prevent this from happening to them. Shortly after, I was gifted a six-week program that has changed my life. I learned that Mental Fitness is the X-factor! So much so that I am now getting certified to incorporate the Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness work into my coaching practice and will be running my first PQ 6-week program starting May 1st.
As humans, it’s impossible for us to feel happy & joyfully ALL the time. Our emotional hijackings often sabotage peak performance. Stress, anxiety, anger, disappointment, blame, guilt, sadness, and self-doubt attack everyone. 🤯
One of the best differentiators of world-class athletes vs. runner-ups is their ability to recover faster from mistakes, failures, or negative interactions. The best leaders, athletes, and entrepreneurs have strong mental muscles. 💪🏆
The quicker we can get ourselves centered and clear-headed, the more productive we will be. This program will teach you how to quiet the saboteurs that are running around in your head & strengthen your mental fitness muscles so that you can build your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive mindset. It impacts peak performance, peace of mind and wellness, and healthy relationships.
The foundations are based on Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Performance Science. You can learn more about the Positive Intelligence work here: https://www.positiveintelligence.com/program/ and you can take your free saboteur assessment by going to this link: https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/saboteur/overview
If you take the assessment, don’t forget to share your results with me via email at vimari@beproductivecoaching.com
The program retails for $995, and I am offering a HUGE discount to my clients and friends since it’s my first time running it. Because this is a program I am getting certified on, I cannot publish the discount, but I am happy to give you the details over the phone. I only have four seats left to fill. If you are interested in participating or learning more, schedule a time for us to speak on my calendar www.beproductivecoaching.com/contact by choosing a time before Wednesday, April 28, 202.
This work is fantastic, and I would love for you to experience it with me!