Welcome to #transitiontuesdays where we feature a fearless leader and their transition story.
You’ll learn how they took action on their dreams. Some have transitioned to exciting new jobs, others to a completely new career, or to their own businesses.
We are hoping that these stories inspire you or someone you know.
This week our Spotlight Series #transitiontuesdays introduces my friend Anneessa Read, Owner and Visionary of NeoLyfe

Before NeoLyfe, Anneessa led a very successful Hospitality career for over 30 years. I met Anneessa in 2005 when we both worked for LXR Luxury Resorts and became great friends. I remember us discussing our dreams of becoming entrepreneurs during our many delicious lunch outings.
Anneessa origninally created NeoLyfe in 2007 when she introduced NeoLyfe Magazine. But her fulltime work in Hospitality always got in her way of persuing her dream. It wasn’t until 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic that Anneessa finally got her big push. Like many others in the industry, she found herself on furlough and decided that it was time to pivot.
Anneessa has combined her love of people and hospitality with her passion for natural healing through Organic Coffees & 100% all-natural Teas.
Learn what motivated this fearless leader to make her transition.
What was your first job and how did you get it?
My First Job was selling Knives for Cutco. If I remember correctly, Cutco came to my High School for Career Day.
When and how did you decide to transition your career to what you do today?
I started transitioning into my business unknowingly in 2017 when I created the Company NeoLyfe. First introducing NeoLyfe as NeoLyfe Magazine. Year after year, I would start working towards building my business, then I would eventually become too entangled with work to focus on building my business. March 2020 was the big push, the Pandemic happened, then I gained more time to focus on my business, and move forward creating NeoLyfe Coffee & Tea.
What steps did you take to make that transition and how long did it take?
Within 4 weeks my online store was created, and introduce a branch of NeoLyfe creating NeoLyfe Coffee and Tea.
What does life look like now that you have transitioned into doing what you are doing?
It’s scary, and exciting all at the same time. I was so comfortable with getting paid every 2 weeks, and now being self-employed, the scary part is not having that cushion of knowing X amount of dollars would be in my bank account every 2 weeks. The exciting part is, I have free reign to create, build, and focus on something that I Love, and feel good about. Not because of the paycheck, but because of the freedom
What advice would you have given your younger self?
Never apologize for going for something you dreamed of even when everyone else thought you were crazy.
Learn more about Anneessa and NeoLyfe: www.myneolyfe.com
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