Welcome to #transitiontuesdays where we feature a fearless leader and their transition story.
You’ll learn how they took action on their dreams. Some have transitioned to exciting new jobs, others to a completely new career, or to their own businesses.
We are hoping that these stories inspire you or someone you know.
This week our Spotlight Series #transitiontuesdays introduces Candis Hickman, Personal Branding Coach for Rising Leaders

Two years ago when I was looking to re-brand my coaching practice at Be Productive Coaching I wanted to learn more about Personal Branding and I took one of Candis’ Personal Branding courses. I can honestly say the information that I learned about myself was extremely valuable and key to my professional re-branding earlier this year. I learned that as a solopreneur and a service provider, knowing who you are and what you like are key to branding yourself. One of the things that drew me to Candis was her career transition story, not knowing that I would be sharing her story with you today.
Before becoming a Personal Branding Coach, Candis had a successful career as an Occupational Therapist in Australia. She moved to the USA in 2011 thinking that her credentials would transfer but she quickly found out that it wasn’t so. That’s when she saw herself having to make the choice between going back to school to get the USA credentials she needed or she could decide to do something completely different. She chose to identify her passions and head in a new direction. She spent several years exploring herself and different industries, hiring coaches, and taking all sorts of courses before recognizing her talent for helping others rise up by becoming the face of their brand.
Learn what motivated this fearless leader to make her transition.
What was your first job and how did you get it?
I cleaned a house and babysat the children of the family whose house I cleaned. I knew my boss from church!
When and how did you decide to transition your career to what you do today?
I was an Occupational Therapist in Australia and I moved to the US in 2011. When I arrived I learned that my professional credentials wouldn’t transfer despite my best efforts to get them recognized. I had two choices – go back to school and get the extra classes needed to continue or do something completely different. I chose to identify my passions and head in a new direction. I spent several years exploring – from TV Hosting to Real Estate to studies in Image Consulting and then starting a business in Health and Relationship Coaching. It was once I started my business that people began asking me how I was doing it – getting clients and branding myself – I knew then that I was tapping into a skill that I needed to develop and leverage. Many coaches, strategies, courses, and programs later I have a full-time business serving people who are ready to rise up in their leadership, build a business, and become the face of their brand.
What steps did you take to make that transition and how long did it take?
This is a little hard for me to define – It was a pretty abrupt transition for me when I moved to the USA – although I explored and developed my personal brand for almost 6 years before I actually claimed my role as a branding coach.
What tools, training or coaching did you acquire/learn to help you make the transition?
Image consulting certificate, health coaching certification, leveraged OT skills, hired multiple coaches in branding, business, media, and communications, sales funnel strategy, life coaching… Lots of coaches and programs over the years.
What does life look like now that you have transitioned into doing what you are doing?
Life is amazing! I can honestly not imagine doing anything other than the work I’m currently doing. I’ve found my zone of genius and it is truly fulfilling to live a life of freedom, running my own business, setting my own schedule, and living in my purpose.
What is the best career advice you have ever received?
Become more of who you are.
Where can we find you at 10 am on a Saturday?
Usually out to breakfast somewhere!
You can learn more about Candis by visiting her website at CandisHickman.com
Follow on Social Media: Twitter @candisahickman – Instagram @candishickman Facebook @candisalicia1 – Linkedin @linkedin.com/in/candishickman/